Mark Speaks Out

Rehab Centers

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"Mark's zestful way of presenting information and his love of life was very valuable.  Everyone's choices in life do make a difference and we can all be affected by them as well."
     Elizabeth Alcaraz, Drug and Alcohol Recover Center

"The presentation was well organized, interesting and easy to understand.  Our audience was adolescents in a drug and alcohol treatment program.  They seemed captivated.  Mark is an excellent speaker that I would recommend for anyone."
     Dianne Gordon, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Counselor

"Your presentation was one of the most honest, informative presentations I have seen about the effects of drunk driving."
     Marni Scivoletti, social Work Intern

"...your presentation really influenced the children's views on drunk driving."
     Social Worker

"We all found your presentation to be very educational, spiritual, insightful, and most of all, influential."
     Katherine Smith, Program Director, Vista, SD

"As usual, you wowed the inmates.  They found you very inspirational.  You made quite a profound impression."

One fellow said, "I feel cheated.  Why haven't I had such an informative class before now!"

The last day of class, one of the sutdents  commented, "Mark Manion was the best part of the entire program!"  I couldn't agree more.

It's really important for the students to know that there is forgiveness, even for them.  They know they have a lot of hard work ahead of them in rebuilding relationships.  You give them hope.  It's really beautiful."

"Several students related how difficult the struggle is to forgive themselves!  You gave them hope that it is possible."
Linda Crews

"Those who believe they are invincible to the effects of drugs and alcohol will be sobered by Mark's loss at the hand of those who thought the same."
Mike Blankers, San Diego


Mark Speaks Out - San Diego, CA 92111 - 858-565-6702