Mark Speaks Out


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Rehab Centers
Military - Police
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"This was a very powerful, moving experience for our students and staff.  He brings home the message about choices and their potential life-threatening consequences.  His delivery hooks the audience and keeps them engaged." 
Jane Dargatz, Principal, Sycamore Middle School, Sycamore, IL

"Your presentation and outlook on life are incredible.  I'm still hearing comments from kids at the high schools."
     Officer John Bates, W. Allegheny School Dist., Pittsburgh, PA

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"Last weekend, I was drinking and driving.  After hearing you, I promise, I will never do that again."
     High School Student, Bishop's High School

"You are such an inspiration to me.  Before you came to my school...I didn't make smart decisions.  Thank you so much for everything.  You have changed my life."
Elisia G.

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"Mark was an exceptional speaker who had a dramatic impact on the group...Mark showed us that humanity suffers from drug abuse and that it is not a victimless crime.  Clients report he was the best planned activity we have had."
     Bill Killiken, Rehab Center

"I would highly recommend anybody who desires to help inspire people to think seriously about how they approach life and how they handle drugs and alcohol to consider Mark Manion as a speaker for their program."
     Mike Blankers

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"Your compelling life story provided a powerful message for the sailors and resulted in our safety stand-down being a complete success."
     D.P. Fluker, Commander, U.S. Navy

"This was a moving class.  I can't imagine anyone who sat through this class ever drinking and driving or letting a drunk driver go."
     Police Academy, San Diego Regional Public Safety Training Institute

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"Mark Manion's story is one of God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness.  His courage and strength are truly an inspiration to everyone he meets.  You will be both encouraged and challenged by this moving story."
     Mike De Vito, Southwest Regional Coordinator, National Network of Youth Ministries

"God must really cherish your heart, for He chose you to carry a very important message.  Only one with incredible strength, courage, and faith could serve and thrive as you have."
     Kimberly, Florida

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Mark Speaks Out - San Diego, CA 92111 - 858-565-6702